Cooperação estratégica


Partnership Brazil·United States

Brasil United States


The definition of establishing an informal consults mechanism between the Brazilian Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade and the US Department of Commerce is presented on a Joint Declaration, signed by presidents Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and George W. Bush, during the former’s visit to Brasilia, in November 2005. Following that guideline, in June 6 2006, MDIC and DoC signed the Intent Letter that implemented the MDIC-DoC Commercial Dialogue mechanism.

This Dialogue is organized in five Working Groups, encompassing the themes: 1) Trade Facilitation; ii) Trade and Investment; iii) Services; iv) Intellectual Property and Innovation; and v) Standards.

The Secretariat of Innovation coordinates, on the Brazilian side, the Working Group on Intellectual Property and Innovation, implementing initiatives of exchange of experience on public policy and stimulating cooperation between companies.

As principais ações de inovação desenvolvidas no âmbito do Diálogo Comercial MDIC-DoC abrangem os temas de empreendedorismo, envolvendo a troca de experiências entre os programas StartUp America e InovAtiva Brasil, e manufatura avançada, envolvendo missões e trocas de experiências entre clusters  brasileiros e norte-americanos.

The main innovation actions developed in the midst of the MDIC-DoC Commercial Dialogue encompass the themes of entrepreneurship, involving exchange of experience between the StartUp America and InovAtiva Brasil programs, and advanced manufacturing, involving missions and exchange of experience between Brazilian and American clusters.

